Monday, September 22, 2014

It's Time.

So, it's time. It's that time of year that things just "fall" into place. Work, school, family, life. With the changing colors we change the pace in which we just live. We stop taking for granted the warm breezes that kiss our cheeks knowing they'll soon be a fleeting glimpse of the all-too-short summer months. Holding them in before each exhale, we consume every last morsel of the hope fall brings. We stop to look at the clock at 6:30pm, wondering where the sun has gone - and get ready for our favorite show's season premiere... We stop to look at our loved ones and begin our year-end reflection, just as we always do, as the holidays approach. That Christmas shopping list seems to change every year. With the end of 2014 approaching, we realize almost another year has passed and there's still too much on our "to do" list.

So, it's time. My Ma, my life's number one cheerleader, always encouraged me to write. I think she told me when I was six or seven that I "liked writing," so I believed her and I wrote and wrote and wrote to make her proud. She even applauded my twisted poems about hating Barbie because of her stupidly perfect hair and smile. She was pleased with pretty much everything I wrote, except for the time she found my diary and figured out I was coo-coo crazy for a boy at 13. Bottom line: Ma was my reason to write.

It's been exactly 820 days since I sat down to really write with a purpose. That last purpose was my Mom's Eulogy. I woke up today and decided it's time to write and not cry while the words pour out. It's time to write: to share and try to laugh about the peaks and valleys we all experience. It's time to write so someday if I leave this earth too early like my Ma did, my babies have my words on paper (or screen!) so they can hear me while reading them, just as I do with my Ma's emails to me.

It's just time. I hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written, Dana. I can assure you I will be reading all of your posts. Continue doing one of the hundreds of things you are good at. Love ya! Xoxo
