Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Lost Post

I stumbled upon this post in a draft form. The times have changed; the sentiments have not.


I love happening to you.

Every night, I whisper a “secret” into my children’s ears. It’s the same “secret” every time but I treat it as though I’m sharing it for the first time: dramatically pushing away the cozy blankies, moving in closely so they can hear the quietness and deliberateness of my voice as I confide my not-so-secret…

“You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

Once in awhile Jimmy gives me a “ Aw, thanks, Mom,” but more often than not it’s a “Yah, that is the same thing you told me last night”… But Maddy, my sweet baby who is no longer a baby, mimics me and tells ME a secret right back from time to time. “Thanks for the cupcake,” “Tomorrow I want to watch Ariel,” and “I love lunch bunch,” are just a few of her secrets.

But then, one night, this gem: “I love happening to you.”

Cue the ugly cry. Silent, ugly tears ran down my face as I quietly exited her bedroom, so as not to bother the Big Guy, studying on the couch.

It’s no secret the last year and a half have been some of the toughest moments of my life, aside from losing my Ma before she got to meet her grandson (this side of the rainbow at least).  While we’ve been through a lot, to me, nothing can top that. Losing my Ma was the single biggest disappointment of my life.

But these last 18 months… yikes. Reflecting on the last 18 months sometimes make me want to scream fu-- at the top of my lungs, but then I worry y’all would have me sent to the crazy house. But it’s true. Life has changed in what seems like a thousand ways some days; on others, it seems like I haven’t skipped a beat. Eighteen months of the longest days of uncertainty, unexpected change, unanticipated growth, wins and losses, and just Life. Happening to me. Everything and nothing -- all at once. To get through, I keep moving. Moving more than I have ever moved in the last 41 years. That’s why I’m the skinniest I’ve ever been… ha ha.

“I love happening to you” brought my world to a screeching halt at the intersection of Self-Reflection and Let it Go.

While all of the things happening in my life that I can’t control can bring me down at times, I can’t let it define me or my family. I’m sure things that are happening to me are at the hands of the Big Man Upstairs, or at least I like to think so.  So I will let things happen, the way they are intended… and just let it “God”.