Insightful. Poignant. Charismatic. Soulful.
That's my little guy, Jim...
aka: Jimmy, Jimmers, Jim-o, Bubba, Gooners...
At 2 and just a half, this kid takes my breath away... Every. Single. Day. His joyful disposition and charming nature are surely characteristics a Mama can take pride in, no matter the age of her baby, although some of "his ways" are just so far beyond his years.
Jim teaches me something new about Life that I haven't particularly noticed or paid attention to in my almost 38 years on this planet. In so many ways, his 30 months on earth have enlightened me tenfold. Oftentimes I stop and think about Life... According to Jim.
"Try 'gain"...
Not a day slips by without Jimmy uttering "Try 'gain" in such a hopeful and compassionate voice... Kind of a question, kind of a demand, kind of a "You can do it," push... He could be asking me to sing the chorus to his current favorite song so he can sing along, or hit the ball with the bat so he can "Run! Run!" the bases. But, for this little guy, there is no giving up... Ever. Although, once he realizes how off-key I am, I'm pretty sure the "Try 'gain," will be replaced with "Please, don't!" Nevertheless, I hope J never loses the spirit behind this expression. For this little love, the possibilities are endless.
"Love you more"...
"Night, Jimmy, love you."
"Love you more..."
It brought me to tears the first time we had this exchange. Like time had reverted to 1983, when my Ma and I would have this back-and-forth game of "More" before bedtime. In fact, the word "More" was the last spoken word my Ma and I had before she moved on to the Next Place. Does he know that? Sometimes I wonder... At any rate, it makes my heart skip a beat and reminds me that Life was meant to, and really does, go on. More.
"Thank you"...
A few weeks ago, after a fantastic swimming lesson where he ecstatically shared with me he went "under, splash-splash, kick, scoop" I hugged him and let him know that I was "so proud" of him. To which I was met with the following: "Thank you, Mommy." How he knew that that was polite, I will never know. I do know that he thanks me for everything from the ice in his water to changing his diaper. I hope this never changes. There are never enough "Thank yous" in the world. It's the sweetest, most pure expression because he means it. Before nap time today, he told me, "Thank you, You..." I like to think he was thanking me for being me but really, I should be thanking him for being him!
"Help, please"...
Nothing makes you want to move as quickly from the comfy spot on the couch than hearing a sweet voice ask politely for "Helpeas"... "Queen" (McQueen) car could be jammed into the front seat of the big firetruck or his guitar may be out of batteries. It doesn't really matter what it is, just that it's a daily reminder we have to ask for help sometimes. Fascinating he knows this at such a young age and his mother has trouble with this one, and probably always will.
"Oh no, fall down"...
Followed by a quick get back up again with an enthusiastic exclamation of "SAFE!" This one reminds that we all fall down sometimes and that it's important to get right back up. When he yells "SAFE," like he just stole second, he somehow knows that in the end all will be okay. Because if it's not okay, it's not the end, my Ma used to quote.
"I'm going streaking!!"...
Because we should all get into a little bit of mischief sometimes. (Big Jimmy is my witness on this one and yes, it was in the correct context)!
"No donuts today"
Because I feed him donuts everyday? No, I really don't but I'm sure he was trying to reverse psychology me on this one.
"I got everything I need, and nothing...don't"
This is a Jimified line from his current favorite song, "Homegrown" by Zac Brown Band. If we all had this outlook on Life... we would all be better off.
Oh, from the mouths of Babes. Such is Life, Jim... Such is Life.
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