One of my closest friends hugged me tight and whispered: "Nothing good or bad lasts forever," a sentiment I knew to be as true then as it is now. It wasn't particularly a sunshiny time for me, but I made damn sure my coworkers, friends, family, or Facebook never really knew it. I just put on my happy face, like I do so well. And I got used to life like that.
And "like that" went on for a long, long time.
Until it couldn't. Because... of all the things I know to be true, nothing good or bad lasts forever.
There is so much I want to say, but I can't, or at the very least, I shouldn't. So I won't. But you must know this: The second half of my life will be far more rich in genuine laughter, in genuine love, in genuine gratitude and in genuine understanding of what happiness is really all about. And this notion brings me nothing but unabashed joy, like that of experiencing a summer sunset on the beach which makes you think God prepared its colors and its calm, only for you to get a quick glimpse of Heaven.
My Ma used to say that half of your life is planning for things that never end up going the way you've planned, so you might as well just trust your gut and figure it out as you go. I would say that after spending years just stagnantly waiting for what I thought life would be or should be, I followed my gut and it was the best decision I have ever, ever made. Of all the things I know to be true, sometimes you just need some wings and a little push off that ledge, but damn, Girl, you'll fly. I promise you that.
And that? Well, the satisfaction of knowing that you could, that you did? Hmmm, maybe some things DO last forever.